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Child Custody & Parenting Time Issues

If minor children are involved and the parents are not in agreement about how to determine custody and parenting time, resolving these issues is a paramount concern and challenge. Guiding parties toward a mutually acceptable agreement once they understand the implications of the various forms of custody , i.e. sole custody, joint legal and joint  physical custody, or joint legal custody with one parent being designated as the Parent of Primary Residence and the other parent having specific parenting time , holiday time, and vacation time spelled out can be challenging and emotionally difficult. 


We encourage our clients to build flexibility into agreements regarding Custody and Parenting time and to always be guided by the best interests of their child. While most custody issues ultimately are resolved between the parents, there are some cases which, for a variety of reasons, cannot be resolved without a trial. Should that be necessary, we will thoroughly prepare you and your litigated custody dispute to navigate the court system and work with you as a team to effectively present your case to the judge who will be deciding the most important concern you have — your children.


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